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Journal Papers
  1. Yan H and Ezekoye OA., 2023. State of charge effects on active material elemental composition changes between pre-thermal-runaway and post-failure states for 8-1-1 nickel-manganese-cobalt 18650 cells, Journal of Energy Storage, 63, 2023

  2. Kennedy, R.W. and Ezekoye, O.A., Experimental and modeling characterization of nickel–manganese–cobalt (532) lithium ion battery arrays with thermal separators. Journal of Energy Storage, 60, p.106682. 2023.

  3. Yan H, Gajjar PD, Ezekoye OA. Electrothermal Characterization and Modeling of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells in Thermal Runaway. Fire Technology. 2022 Dec 29:1-39.

  4. Coelho, F., Okuno, R., Sepehrnoori, K., Ezekoye, OA., A Comparative Study of the Cubic-Plus-Association Equation of State and a Peng-Robinson Equation of State–Based Solid Model for Asphaltene Simulation in the Wellbore, SPE Production & Operations 38 (01), 125-145, 2023

  5. Bilyaz, S. and Ezekoye, O.A., 2022. Modeling the dispersion and mixing of light gases in enclosed spaces using the Method of Moments. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, p.104877

  6. Wessies, S.S. and Ezekoye, O.A., 2022. A Framework for Determining the Ignition Signatures in a Fuel Bed due to Firebrand Deposition. Fire Technology, pp.1-23.

  7. Franqueville, J.I., Cabrera, JM. & Ezekoye, O.A. Improving Heat Flux Predictions for Directional Flame Thermometers by Incorporating Convective Effects. Fire Technol (2022).

  8. Abbasi, M.Z., Wilson, P.S., and Ezekoye, O.A., “Head-related transfer function measurements in a compartment fire”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Vol.151, Issue 3) 2022

  9. Buffington, T., Cabrera, J-M, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Statistical aggregation of heat flux measurements for Bayesian inference of a burner fire's radiative fraction”, Fire Safety Journal Vol 129, 2022

  10. Kennedy, R.W., Bilyaz, S., and Ezekoye, O.A., “Low Order Modeling of Lithium Cobalt Oxide Lithium Ion Battery Arrays with Various States of Charge”, Journal of Energy Storage, 49, 2022

  11. Cabrera, J.M., Moser, R.D. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Experimental and Modeling Uncertainty Considerations for Determining the First Item Ignited in a Compartment Using a Bayesian Method” Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, 7(1), 2022.

  12. Yan, H., Marr, K. C., & Ezekoye, O. A. “Thermal runaway behavior of nickel–manganese–cobalt 18650 lithium-ion cells induced by internal and external heating failures”, Journal of Energy Storage, 45, 103640, (2022)

  13. Wessies, S.S., and Ezekoye, O.A.., "Cooling of Heated Solid Cylinder Supported on Bedded and Embedded Substrates by Impinging Air Jet." Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (2022): 1-12.

  14. Bilyaz, S., Buffington, T., and Ezekoye, O.A., “The Effect of Fire Location and the Reverse Stack on Fire Smoke Transport in High-Rise Buildings”, Fire Safety Journal 126 (2021)

  15. Buffington, T., Bilyaz, S., and Ezekoye, O.A., “Brain-STORM: A deep learning model for computationally fast transient high-rise fire simulations”, Fire Safety Journal 125 (2021)

  16. Coelho F, Sepehrnoori K, Ezekoye OA. A Coupled Hydrate and Compositional Wellbore Simulator: Understanding Hydrate Inhibition from Associated Brines in Oil and Gas Production. SPE Production & Operations. 2021

  17. Coelho FM, Sepehrnoori K, Ezekoye OA. Coupled geochemical and compositional wellbore simulators: A case study on scaling tendencies under water evaporation and CO2 dissolution. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2021

  18. Osara, J., Ezekoye, O.A., Marr, K.C., Bryant, M.D., “A Methodology for Analyzing Aging and Performance of Li-ion Batteries: Consistent Cycling Application” J. Energy Storage, 2021

  19. Kennedy, R.W., Marr, K.C. and Ezekoye, O.A., Gas release rates and properties from Lithium Cobalt Oxide lithium ion battery arrays. Journal of Power Sources, 487, p.229388. 2021. 

  20. Tyler Buffington, James G. Scott, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Combining spatial and sociodemographic regression techniques to predict residential fire counts at the census tract level”  Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2021

  21. Yan, H., Marr, K.C, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Towards fire forensic characteristics of failed cylindrical format lithium-ion batteries and packages” Fire Technology, 2020

  22. Cabrera, J., Moser, R., and Ezekoye, O. A., “Bayesian inference of fire evolution within a compartment using heat flux measurements” Fire Technology, 2020

  23. Buffington, T., Cabrera, J., Kurzawski, A.J., and Ezekoye, O.A., “Deep-learning emulators of transient compartment fire simulations for inverse problems and room-scale calorimetry” Fire Technology, 2020

  24. Mustafa Z. Abbasi, Preston S. Wilson, and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Change in acoustic impulse response of a room due to a fire”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Vol.147, Issue 6) 2020

  25. Archibald, E.J., Kennedy, R., Marr, K.C., Jeevarajan, J.A, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Characterization of Thermally Induced Runaway in Pouch Cells for Propagation” Fire Technology, 2020

  26. Cabrera, J., Moser, R., and Ezekoye, O. A. "A Modified Directional Flame Thermometer: Development, Calibration, and Uncertainty Quantification." ASME. J. Verif. Valid. Uncert. (2020).  doi:

  27.  Bilyaz, S., Marr, K.C, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Modeling of thermal runaway propagation in a pouch cell stack,, Fire Technology, 2020

  28. Kurzawski, A.J. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Inversion for Fire Heat-Release Rate using Heat Flux Measurements”, ASME. J. Heat Transfer. May 2020; 142(5): 051301.

  29. Ding, Y., Fukumoto, K., Ezekoye, O.A., Lu, S., Wang, C., and Li, C. “Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Multi-component Combustion of Typical Charring Material” Combustion and Flame 211, pp417-429, 2020

  30. Baird, A.R., Archibald, E.J., Marr, K.C., and Ezekoye, O.A., “Explosion Hazards from Lithium-Ion Battery Vent Gas’ Journal of Power Sources, 446, pp227-257, 2020

  31. Kurzawski, A.J., Cabrera, J-M., and Ezekoye, O.A., “Model Considerations for Fire Scene Reconstruction Using a Bayesian Framework”, Fire Technology, 56, pages 445–467 (2020)

  32. Buffington, T and Ezekoye, O.A., “Statistical analysis of fire department response times and effects on fire outcomes in the United States”, Fire Technology, 55, pages 2369–2393 (2019)

  33. Wessies, S., Chang, R., Marr, K.C., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Experimental and Analytical Characterization of Firebrand Ignition of Home Insulation Materials", Fire Technology 55, 1027–1056 (2019).

  34. Bilyaz, S and Ezekoye, O.A., "Fire Smoke Transport and Opacity Reduced-order Model (Fire-STORM) : A New Computer Model for High-Rise Fire Smoke Simulations",  Fire Technology 55, 981–1012 (2019).

  35.  Wanegar, D and Ezekoye, O.A., “Orthogonal Function Extension to Enclosure Theory” Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 224,  pp272-278, 2019

  36. Ganesh, H.S., Ezekoye, O.A., Edgar, T.F, and Baldea, M. “Heat Integration and Operational Optimization of An Austenitization Furnace Using Concentric-tube Radiant Recuperators”, AIChE Journal, 65, no. 7 (2019)

  37. Ding, Y., Ezekoye, O. A., Zhang, J., Wang, C., & Lu, S. (2018). The effect of chemical reaction kinetic parameters on the bench-scale pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. Fuel, 232, 147-153.

  38. Anderson, A.D. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Quantifying generalized residential fire risk using ensemble fire models with survey and physical data”, Fire Technology May 2018, Volume 54, Issue 3, pp 715–747

  39. Anderson, A.D. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Exploration of NFIRS protected populations using geocoded fire”, Fire Safety Journal, January 2018, Vol. 95, Pages 122-134.

  40. Heng, V.R., Ganesh, H.S., Dulaney, A.R., Kurzawski, A., Baldea, M., Ezekoye, O.A. and Edgar, T.F.,. Energy-Oriented Modeling and Optimization of a Heat Treating Furnace. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 139(6), 2017.

  41. Roberts, B.C., Jones, A.R., Ezekoye, O.A., Ellison, C.J. and Webber, M.E., 2017. Development of kinetic parameters for polyurethane thermal degradation modeling featuring a bioinspired catecholic flame retardant. Combustion and Flame, 177, pp.184-192.

  42. Ding, Y., Ezekoye, O.A., Lu, S., Wang, C., and Zhou, R., “Comparative pyrolysis behaviors and reaction mechanisms of hardwood and softwood” Energy Conversion and Management, 132, 2017, pp102–109

  43. Roberts, B.C., Webber, M.E. & Ezekoye, O.A. "Why and How the Sustainable Building Community Should Embrace Fire Safety." Current Sustainable Renewable Energy Reports (2016)

  44. Ding, Y., Ezekoye, O.A., Lu, S. and Wang, C., “Thermal degradation of beech wood with thermogravimetry/Fourier transform infrared analysis” Energy Conversion and Management, 120, 2016, pp.370-377. 

  45. Roberts, B. C., M. E. Webber and O. A. Ezekoye. "Development of a multi-objective optimization tool for selecting thermal insulation materials in sustainable designs." Energy and Buildings 105 (2015): 358-367. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.07.063

  46. Anzalone, R., Barr, BW, Upadhyay, RR, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Use of a quasi-steady ablation model for design sensitivity with uncertainty propagation”, J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. 2016; 9(1)doi:10.1115/1.4034595.

  47. Overholt K.J., Floyd J.E., Ezekoye O.A., Computational modeling and validation of aerosol deposition in ventilation ducts. Fire Technology. 2016 Jan 1;52(1):149-66.

  48. Dorindo E. Cardenas and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, Thermal Characterization of Electrical Wires and Insulation Operated in Variable Frequency Mode, Fire Technology Volume 51, issue 5 (2015) pp 1071-1092

  49. He, Q., Ezekoye, O. A., Li, C., & Lu, S. Ventilation limited extinction of fires in ceiling vented compartments. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 91, (2015). 570-583.

  50. Felipe Roman Centeno, Rogério Brittes, Francis. H.R. França, and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Evaluation of Gas Radiation Heat Transfer in a 2D Axisymmetric Geometry Using the Line-by-Line Integration and WSGG Models” Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer v.156 pp1–11 (2015)

  51. Kumar, Ankur, Michael Baldea, Thomas F. Edgar, and Ofodike Ezekoye. "Smart Manufacturing Approach for Efficient Operation of Industrial Steam-Methane Reformers." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(16), (2015). 4360-4370.

  52. Fabiano Cassol, Rogério Brittes, Francis H.R. França , Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Application of the weighted-sum-of-gray-gases model for media composed of arbitrary concentrations of H2O, CO2 and soot”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 79 (2014) 796–806

  53. Somandepalli V, Marr K, Horn Q. "Quantification of combustion hazards of thermal runaway failures in lithium-ion batteries". SAE Int. J. Alt. Power, 3(1), 2014, 98-104.

  54. Overholt, K.J, Cabrera, J. Kurzawski, A. Koopersmith, M., Ezekoye O.A., “Fire behavior and heat fluxes for lab-scale burning of little bluestem grass”, Fire Safety Journal Volume 67, July 2014, Pages 70–81

  55. Maurizio Natali, Joseph H. Koo, Eric Allcorn, O.A. Ezekoye, An in-situ ablation recession sensor for carbon/carbon ablatives based on commercial ultra-miniature thermocouples, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 196, June 2014, Pages 46-56, ISSN 0925-4005,

  56. Overholt, K.J. and Ezekoye, O.A., Quantitative Testing of Fire Scenario Hypotheses: A Bayesian Inference Approach, Fire Technology, (2015) 51(2), pp.335-367.

  57. Baker, Chad A., Alaattin Osman Emiroglu, Rehan Mallick, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, Li Shi, and Matthew J. Hall. "Development of an Analytical Design Tool for Monolithic Emission Control Catalysts and Application to Nano-Textured Substrate System." Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 6, no. 3 (2014): 031014.

  58. Bruns, M.C. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Modeling Differential Scanning Calorimetry of Thermally Degrading Thermoplastics”, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 105, 241-251, 2014

  59. Waye, S.K., Anderson, A., Corsi, R. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Thermal Effects on Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Mass Transfer and Emission from Computer Cases”, International J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 64, Pages 343–351, 2013

  60. Ezekoye, O.A., Hurley, M. J., Torero, J.L., and McGrattan, K.B., “Applications of Heat Transfer Fundamentals to Fire Modeling”, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, vol 5, no. 2, 2013

  61. Weinschenk, C. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Characterization of a CFD Thermocouple Model Subjected to Stochastic Environmental Forcing using Moment Based Analysis", ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 5(4), Oct 2013

  62. Hubbard, J.A., Haglund, J.S Ezekoye O.A., McFarland, A.R. “Modeling liquid film evaporation in a wetted wall bioaerosol sampling cyclone”, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, vol. 5, 2013

  63. Gamba, M., Clemens, NT, and Ezekoye, OA, “Volumetric PIV and 2D OH PLIF Imaging in the Far-Field of a Low-Reynolds Number Nonpremixed Jet Flame”, Measurement Science and Technology, 24(2), 024003 2013

  64. Anderson, A. and Ezekoye, O.A. “A Comparative Study Assessing Factors that Influence Home Fire Casualties and Fatalities using State Fire Incident Data”, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, vol. 23, 1: pp. 51-75, 2013

  65. Godse, U.B., Ponkala, M.J.V., Stuber, J., Elkhatib, B. and Ezekoye O.A., "Characterization of mass transfer rates and contamination kinetics on silicon wafer surface", Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.26, no.1, pp.145,155, 2013

  66. Barr, B.W. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Thermo-mechanical Modeling of Brand Breakage on a Fractal Tree for Brand Lofting Predictions” The Combustion Institute, vol. 34 issue 2 2013. p. 2649-2656

  67. Bruns, M.C. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Development of a hybrid sectional quadrature-based moment method for solving population balance equations”, Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 54, December 2012, Pages 88-102

  68. Overholt, K.J, Cabrera, J. Kurzawski, A. Koopersmith, M. Ezekoye O.A., “ Characterization of fuel properties and fire spread rates for little bluestem grass” Fire Technology, 50.1 (2014):pp 9-38.

  69. Overholt, K.J., and Ezekoye, O.A., “Characterizing heat release rates using an inverse fire modeling technique”. Fire Technology, October 2012, Volume 48, Issue 4, pp 893-909

  70. Mladenka, S, Romero, W, Yeldell, C, Ezekoye, OA, Cournoyer, ME, “Chemical hood glass failure under thermal loading associated with fire”, Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, ,19(6), 30-36, 2012

  71. Updahyay, R.R. and Ezekoye, O.A., “libMOM: A library for stochastic simulations in engineering using statistical moments”, Engineering with Computers, Volume 28, Number 1, 83-94, 2012

  72. Marr, K.C., Ezekoye, O.A., and Clemens, N.T., “Mixing Characteristics and Emissions of Acoustically-Forced Non-Premixed and Partially-Premixed Jet Flames in Crossflow”, Combustion and Flame, 59 707–721, 2012

  73. Upadhyay, R.R., Miyoki, K., Marschal, J., Ezekoye, O.A., Uncertainty quantification of a graphite nitridation experiment using a Bayesian approach”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 35, 1588-1599 (2011)

  74. Smith, Kenneth; Bruns, Morgan; Stoliarov, Stanislav ; Nyden, Marc; Ezekoye, Ofodike; Westmoreland, Phillip, “A New Reactive Molecular Dynamics Method, Demonstrated by Predicting Kinetics of Backbone Scission in Polyethylene”, Polymer, Volume 52, Issue 14, 22 June 2011

  75. C. Weinschenk, C. Beal, and O.A. Ezekoye, “Modeling Fan Driven Flows for Firefighting Tactics Using Analytical Methods and CFD” SFPE Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, vol. 21 no. 2 85-114, 2011

  76. J.A. Hubbard, J.S. Haglund, O.A. Ezekoye, A.R. McFarland, “Liquid Consumption of Wetted Wall Bioaerosol Sampling Cyclones: Characterization and Control” Aerosol Science and Technology, V.45:2, 2011

  77. Koo, J.H., Nguyen, K.C., Lee, J.C., Ho, W.K., Bruns, M.C., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Flammability Studies of a Novel Class of Thermoplastic Nanocomposites", Journal of Fire Sciences Vol. 28, No. 1, 49-85 (2010)

  78. Landsberger S. ; Ezekoye O. ; Schneider, R E. A. ; Biegalski S. R. ; Egnatuk C. ; Dayman N K. ;Stiffin R. ; Tamalis D. ; Jones S J. ; Handy C., ‘A Collaborative Educational Effort Between the University of Texas at Austin and Three Historically Black Colleges and Universities Funded by the Office of Naval Research and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 2010, vol. 103, pp. 115-117

  79. Ho, W.K, Koo, J.H., Ezekoye, O.A., “Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer Nanocomposites: Morphology, Thermophysical, and Flammability Properties”, Journal of Nanomaterials 2010

  80. Barve, V.V., Ezekoye, O.A., and Clemens, N.T., "Soot Reduction in Strongly Forced Lifted CH4-Air Laminar Flames", Combustion Theory and Modeling, Volume 13, Issue 4 August pages 671 – 703, 2009

  81. Singhal, S., El-Khatib, B., Stuber, J., Sreenivasan, S.V., Ezekoye O.A., "Characterization of wet batch cleaning process in advanced semiconductor manufacturing", IEEE Transactions of Semiconductor Manufacturing, . Volume 22, No. Issue 3, pp. 399 – 408, /2009,

  82. Hubbard, J., Haglund, J., and Ezekoye, O.A, "Simulating the Evolution of Particle Size Distributions Containing Coarse Particulate in the Atmospheric Surface Layer with a Simple Convection-Diffusion-Sedimentation Model, Atmospheric Environment 43 4435-4443, (2009)

  83. Ho, D.W.K., Koo, J.H., and Ezekoye O.A., "Kinetics and Thermophysical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites for Solid Rocket Motor Insulation", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, v.46, 3, 526-544, 2009

  84. Bruns, M.C., Koo, J.H., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Population-based Models of Thermoplastic Degradation: Using Optimization to Determine Model Parameters", Polymer Degradation and Stability, 94, 1013-1022, 2009

  85. Beal, C.M., Fakhreddine, M., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Effects of Leakage in Simulations of Positive Pressure Ventilation" Fire Technology, 45, 2009, pp257-286

  86. Weinschenk, C., Nicks, R., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Analysis of Fire-ground Standard Operating Guidelines/Procedures Compliance for Austin Fire Department", Fire Technology, Vol. 44, 2008, pp. 39-64

  87. Upadhyay, R.R. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Treatment of Design Fire Uncertainty using Quadrature Method of Moments", Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 43, 2008, No. 2, pp. 127-139

  88. Erturk, H., Gamba, M.., Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., "Validation of Inverse Boundary Condition Design in a Thermometry Test Bed", Fifth International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, June 2007, Bodrum, Turkey and also J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer v.109 (2), p.317-326, 2008

  89. S. Biegalski, O.A. Ezekoye, M. Pickering, and J.M. Jena, "Detection Limit Improvements Forecasted at CTBTO IMS Radionuclide Stations Based on Size Separation of Aerosols by Aerodynamic Diameter", Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, , Vol. 276, 2008, No. 2, pp. 441-445

  90. Ekici, O., Matthews R.D., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Geometrical and electromagnetic effects on arc propagation in a railplug ignitor" J. Applied Physics D, v40, pp 7707-7715, 2007

  91. Qu, Y., Puttitwong, E., Howell, J.R. and. Ezekoye, O.A., "Errors Associated with Light-pipe Radiation Thermometer Temperature Measurements", IEEE Transactions of Semiconductor Manufacturing, Volume 20, Issue 1, Feb. 2007 Page(s):26 - 38

  92. Qu, Y., Howell, J.R. and. Ezekoye, O.A., "Monte Carlo Modeling of a Light-pipe Radiation Thermometer", IEEE Transactions of Semiconductor Manufacturing, Volume 20, Issue 1, Feb. 2007 Page(s):39 - 50

  93. Ekici, O., Ezekoye, O.A., Hall, M.J., and Matthews R.D., "Thermal and Flow Fields Modeling of Fast Spark Discharges in Air", ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 129, issue 1, pp. 55-65, 2007

  94. Lakshminarasimhan, K., Ryan, M. D., Clemens, N. T., and Ezekoye, O. A., "Mixing Characteristics in Strongly Forced Nonpremixed Methane Jet Flames" Proceedings of Combustion Institute, Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 1617-1624

  95. Lakshminarasimhan, K, Clemens, N.T., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Characteristics of Strongly-Forced Turbulent Nonpremixed Jet Flames", Experiments in Fluids, Volume 41, Number 4, 2006

  96. Barve, V.V., Ezekoye, O.A., Clemens, N.T. and Katta, V.R., "Numerical Study of the Evolution of Strongly Forced Axisymmetric Laminar Cold-Flow Jets" AIAA Journal vol. 44 no. 8, 2006

  97. Ezekoye, O.A. and Diller, K.R., "A Model for Assessing Ignition, Flame Spread, and Burn Hazard Potential of a Multilayered Jacket" J Burn Care Res. July/August; 27(4): pp487-495, 2006

  98. Upadhyay, R.R. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Treatment of Size Dependent Aerosol Transport Processes using Quadrature Based Moment Methods ", Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 37, Issue 7, pp 799-819 2006

  99. Ezekoye, O.A., Lakshminarasimhan, K, Seers, P., and Nicks, R., "Effect of PPV Attack on Thermal Conditions in a Compartment Downwind of a Fire", Fire Technology, Volume 41, Number 3, 2005

  100. Upadhyay, R.R. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Smoke Buildup and Light Scattering in a Cylindrical Cavity above a Uniform Flow", Journal of Aerosol Science, v36, Issue 4, Pages 471-493, 2005

  101. Ezekoye, O.A., Martin, K.M., Bisetti, F., "Pulsed Flow Modulation of Soot Production in a Laminar Jet-Diffusion Flame", Proceedings of Combustion Institute, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 1485-1492, 2005

  102. Erturk, H, Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., "Boundary Condition Design to Heat a Moving Object at Uniform Transient Temperature using Inverse Formulation," J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 126, No. 3, pp619-626, 2004

  103. Bhat, S, Ezekoye, O.A., and Matthews, R.D., "Impact of Railplug Circuit Parameters on Energy Deposition and Durability,", SAE2003-01-3135 and J. of Fuels and Lubricants, vol. 112, pp. 2221-2233, 2003.

  104. Upadhyay, R.R. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Evaluation of the 1-Point Quadrature Approximation in QMOM for Combined Aerosol Growth Laws", Journal of Aerosol Science, v.34, pp 1665-1683, 2003

  105. C.H.Lan, O.A.Ezekoye, J.R.Howell ,K.S.Ball, "Stability Analysis for Three-dimensional Rayleigh Benard Convection with Radiatively Participating Medium Using Spectral Methods", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 1371-1383, 2003.

  106. M.D. Rumminger, X. Zhou, K. Balakrishnan, B.L. Edgar, and O.A. Ezekoye, "Regeneration Behavior and Transient Thermal Response of Diesel Particulate Filters", SAE2001-01-1342 and Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 110, No. 4, pp. 1015-1022, 2002.

  107. Hakan Ertürk, O.A. Ezekoye and John R. Howell, "The Application of an Inverse Formulation in the Design of Boundary Conditions for Transient Radiating Enclosures," ASME J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 124, no. 6, pp. 1095-1102, Dec., 2002.

  108. Erturk, H., Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., "Comparison of Three Regularized Solution Techniques in a Three-Dimensional Inverse Radiation Problem", IHTC, Turkey, 2001 and J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 73, pp. 307-316, January, 2002

  109. F.H.R. Franca, O.A. Ezekoye, J.R. Howell, "Inverse Boundary Design Combining Radiation and Convection Heat Transfer" ASME J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 123, no. 5, pp. 884-891, 2001

  110. J.A. Carter, K.M. Martin, W.B., Campbell, N.A. Hall and O.A. Ezekoye, "Design of an Oscillating Flow Apparatus for the Study of Low Reynolds Number Particle Dynamics," Experiments in Fluids v.30, pp. 578-583, 2001

  111. S.V. Leach, G. Rein, J.L. Ellzey and O.A. Ezekoye and J.L. Torero, "Kinetic and Fuel Property Effects on Forward Smoldering Combustion," Combustion and Flame, v.120, pp. 346-358, 2000

  112. J.R. Howell, O.A. Ezekoye and J.C. Morales, "Inverse Design Model for Radiative Heat Transfer", ASME J. Heat Transfer, v. 122, pp 492-502, 2000

  113. S.P. Fuss, M.J. Hall and O.A. Ezekoye, "Band-Integrated Infrared Absorptance of Low-Molecular-Weight Paraffin Hydrocarbons at High Temperatures" Applied Optics v.38 no. 13, pp. 2895-2904, 1999

  114. Ezekoye, O.A. and Wibowo, Y. "Simulation of Acoustic Agglomeration Processes using a Sectional Algorithm," Journal of Aerosol Science, vol. 30, pp. 1117-1138, 1999

  115. S.V. Leach, J.L. Ellzey and O.A. Ezekoye, "Convection, Pyrolysis and Damkohler Number Effects on Extinction of Reverse Smoldering Combustion," Twenty-Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, pp. 2873-2880, 1998

  116. Zhang, Z. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Soot Production Rate Calculations at Elevated Pressure in a Methane-Air Jet Diffusion Flame," Combustion Science and Technology, v 137, pp. 323-346, 1998

  117. Ezekoye, O.A, Lowman, C.D., Fahey, M.T., and Hulme-Lowe, A.G., "Polymer Weld Strength Predictions Using a Thermal and Polymer Chain Diffusion Analysis," Polymer Engineering and Science, v. 38, #6, pp. 976-991, 1998

  118. Hackert, C.L., Ellzey, J.L. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Combustion and Heat Transfer in Model Two-Dimensional Porous Burners" Combustion and Flame, v.116, pp.177-191, 1998

  119. Hackert, C.L., Ellzey, J.L. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Effects of Thermal Boundary Conditions on Flame Shape and Quenching in Ducts," Combustion and Flame, v112 pp.73-84, 1998

  120. Ezekoye, O.A., "Heat Transfer Consequences of Condensation during Premixed Flame Quenching," Combustion and Flame, v112 pp.266-269, 1998

  121. Leach, S.V., Ellzey, J.L. and Ezekoye, O.A., "A Numerical Study of Reverse Smoldering Combustion," Combustion Science and Technology, V. 130, pp. 247-267, 1997

  122. Martin, K. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Acoustic Filtration and Sedimentation of Soot Particles," Experiments in Fluids, v23, pp483-488, 1997

  123. Ezekoye, O.A. and Zhang, Z., "Convective and Radiative Coupling in a Burner Supported Diffusion Flame," AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, v 11, pp239-245, 1997

  124. Ezekoye, O.A. and Zhang, Z., "Soot Oxidation and Agglomeration Processes in a Microgravity Diffusion Flame," Combustion and Flame, v 110, pp127-139, 1997

  125. Hackert, C.L., Ellzey, J.L., Ezekoye, O.A., and Hall, M.J. "Transverse Dispersion at High Peclet Numbers in Short Porous Media," Experiments in Fluids v.21, 1996

  126. Fuss, S.P., Ezekoye, O.A., and Hall, M.J., "The Absorptance of Infrared Radiation by Methane at Elevated Temperatures," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer v.118, 1996.

  127. Ezekoye, O.A., "Heat Transfer Modeling during Knock and Flame Quenching in an Engine Chamber," Twenty-Sixth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, 1996.

  128. Zhang, Z. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Analysis of Laminar Acetylene-Air Diffusion Flames using Reduced Chemical Mechanisms and State Relationships," Combust. Sci. and Tech. 112, p231, 1996

  129. Manoucheri, M. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Polystyrene Soot Agglomeration Enhancement in an Ultrasonic Acoustic Field," Journal of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, v.13,121, 1996.

  130. Ezekoye, O.A. and Zhang, Z., "Modeling of a Lagrangian Flamelet with Radiation Interaction", Combustion Science and Technology 106, p363 1995.

  131. Baum, H.R., Ezekoye, O.A., McGrattan, K.B., and Rehm, R.G., "Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Fire Phenomena", Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 6, 1994.

  132. Ezekoye, O.A., Greif, R., and Sawyer, R.F., "Increased Surface Temperature Effects on Wall Heat Transfer during Unsteady Flame Quenching", Twenty-Fourth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, 1992.

  133. Lu, J.H., Ezekoye, O.A., Greif, R., and Sawyer, R.F., "Unsteady Heat Transfer during Side-Wall Quenching of a Laminar Flame", Twenty-Third Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, 1990


Journal Papers
Conference Papers and Proceedings
  1. Bhati A, Acharya PV, Ezekoye OA, Bahadur V. Estimation of Fuel Quality Using Statistical
    Regression-Based Analysis of Leidenfrost Droplets. In Heat Transfer Summer Conference
    2021 Jun 16 (Vol. 84874, p. V001T08A003). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  2. Bilyaz, S., Marr, K.C, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Modeling of thermal runaway propagation in a pouch cell stack” 1st International Symposium on Fire Safety of Lithium Ion Battery, Hefei, China, July 2019

  3. Archibald, E.J., Kennedy, R., Marr, K.C., Jeevarajan, J.A, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Characterization of Thermally Induced Runaway in Pouch Cells for Propagation”, 1st International Symposium on Fire Safety of Lithium Ion Battery, Hefei, China, July 2019

  4. Xiaoman Ye, Ofodike Ezekoye, Qize He, “PPV Effect on Smoke Movement through a Shaft in High-rise Fires: Experiments and CFD Simulation”, Proceedings of ASME 2017 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT2019-3733, July 2019, Bellevue, Washington, USA

  5. J.M. Cabrera, Robert D. Moser, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “A Bayesian Method for Determining the Fire Evolution within a Compartment”, ASTFE TFEC-2019-27612, April 14–17, 2019 Las Vegas, NV, USA

  6. Savannah S. Wessies, Kevin C. Marr, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Heat Transfer Characterization of a Hot Cylinder on an Inert Substrate” ASTFE TFEC-2019-27612, April 14–17, 2019 Las Vegas, NV, USA

  7. Serhat Bilyaz, Erik Archibald, Kevin C Marr, Ofodike A Ezekoye,  “Parameter Estimation for Battery Kinetic and Thermophysical Parameters”, ASTFE TFEC-2019-27612, April 14–17, 2019 Las Vegas, NV, USA

  8. H. S. Ganesh, O. A. Ezekoye, T. F. Edgar and M. Baldea, "Improving energy efficiency of an austenitization furnace by heat integration and real-time optimization," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), Cluj-Napoca, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/AQTR.2018.8402763

  9. Kurzawski, A. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Inversion for Fire Heat Release Rate using Transient Heat Flux Data”, Proceedings of ASME 2017 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT2017, July 9-14, 2017, Bellevue, Washington, USA

  10. He, Q., Ezekoye, O.A., Tubbs, B. and Baldassarra, C., 2015, November. CFD Simulation of Smoke Spread Through Elevator Shafts During Fires in High Rise Buildings. In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. V08AT10A045-V08AT10A045). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  11. Kurzawski, A., Ezekoye, O.A., Baldea, M. and Edgar, T.F., 2015, November. Comparison of Modeling Approaches for Open-Fire Hearth Furnace Heat Transfer. In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. V08AT10A028-V08AT10A028). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  12. Trettel, B. and Ezekoye, O.A., 2015, November. Theoretical Range and Trajectory of a Water Jet. In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. V07AT09A007-V07AT09A007). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  13. Koo, J.H., Natali, M., Lisco, B., Yao, E., Yee, C., Grantham, T., Pinero, D., Allcorn, E. and Ezekoye, O.A., 2015. A Versatile In-Situ Ablation Recession and Thermal Sensor Adaptable for Different Types of Ablatives. In 56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (p. 1122).

  14. Marr KC, Ponchaut NF, Kytömma HK. "Monte Carlo analysis of hazardous air pollutant emissions from Industrial Flares". Air & Waste Management Association 108th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Raleigh, NC, June 22-25, 2015.

  15. Ponchaut NF, Marr KC, Colella F, Somandepalli V, Horn Q. "Thermal runaway and safety of large lithium-ion battery systems". Battcon International Stationary Battery Conference, Orlando, FL, May 12-14, 2015. 

  16. Marr KC, Somandepalli V. "Thermal failures in batteries used in subsea power applications". Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, May 4-7, 2015. 

  17. Marr KC, Verghese PM, Braff WA, Morse T. "Analysis of arc erosion on thermal switch contacts". Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Fire Investigation Science and Technology, College Park, MD, September 22-24, 2014. 

  18. Marr KC, Ponchaut NF, Kytömma HK. "Emissions estimation methodologies for industrial flares". AFRC 2014 Industrial Combustion Symposium, Houston, TX, September 7-10, 2014. 

  19. Myers T, Ibarreta A, Marr K. "Prescriptive versus performance-based mitigation of combustible dust hazards". 10th Global Congress on Process Safety, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014 Spring National Meeting , New Orleans, LA, March 30–April 2, 2014. 

  20. Marr KC, Ponchaut NF, Kytömma HK. "Analysis of combustion efficiencies for industrial steam-assisted flares". AFRC 2013 Industrial Combustion Symposium, Koloa, HI, September 22-25, 2013. 

  21. Colella F, Marr K, Ponchaut NF, Somandepalli V, Spray R. "Analysis of combustion hazards due to catastrophic failures in lithium-ion battery packs". 7th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Providence, RI, May 5–10, 2013. 

  22. Somandepalli V, Marr K, Horn Q. "Explosion hazards due to failures of lithium-ion batteries". 9th Global Congress on Process Safety, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2013 Spring National Meeting , San Antonio, TX, April 28–May 1, 2013.

  23. Myers TJ, Ibarreta AF, Bucher JM, Marr KC. "Assessing the hazard of marginally explosible dusts". Proceedings, 47th Loss Prevention Symposium, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Spring Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2013.

  24. Roberts, Bonnie C., Michael E. Webber, and Ofodike A. Ezekoye. "A Multi-Objective Fire Safety and Sustainability Screening Tool for Specifying Insulation Materials." ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

  25. Floyd, J.E., and Overholt, K.J., Ezekoye. O.A., Soot Deposition Modeling and Impact of Particle Size and Agglomeration, Fire Safety Science, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand, February 2014

  26. Abbasi, M.Z., Suits, J., Wilson, P.S., and Ezekoye, O.A., “Compartment Fire Growth Effects on Firefighter Alarm Signal Detection”, ASME IMECE2013-66367, San Diego, CA 2013

  27. Cabrera, JM., Kurzawski, A., Abbasi, MZ, Granzow, H, Gordon, D., Ezekoye, O.A. “Glovebox Fire Suppression Experimental and Numerical Characterization”, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conf. Minneapolis, MN 2013

  28. Kurzawski, A., Yee, C., Hardee, T., Koo, JH., Ezekoye, O.A., “Recession Experiments and Modeling for Caebon Surface Oxidation Processes”, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conf. Minneapolis, MN 2013

  29. Kristopher J. Overholt, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “An Inverse Fire Modeling Methodology for the Determination of Fire Size, Fire Location, and Soot Deposition in a Compartment”, ASME IMECE, Houston, TX Nov. 2012

  30. Cassol, F., Brittes,R., França, FHR, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Radiative Heat Transfer Modeling using the CW and SLW Models in Gas Mixtures with Soot”, ASME IMECE, Houston, TX Nov. 2012

  31. Barr, B.W. and Ezekoye, O.A., “Analysis of Chemical and Mechanical Ablation for Thermal Protective Systems”, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, San Juan PR 2012

  32. Anzalone, R., Barr, BW, Upadhyay, RR, and Ezekoye, O.A., “Use of a quasi-steady ablation model for design sensitivity with uncertainty propagation”, ASME IMECE, Denver, CO, IMECE2011-63677 Nov. 2011

  33. O.A. Ezekoye, and C. Weinschenk, “Analysis of Thermocouple Responses to Turbulent Radiating Environments” ASME JSME (AJTEC 2011) Technical Conference, Honolulu March 2011.

  34. Bruns, M.C., and Ezekoye, O.A, “Pyrolysis and Devolatilization of High-Density Polyethylene”, Proceedings of International Association of Fire Safety Scientists (IAFSS), College Park, MD 2011.

  35. Kristopher J. Overholt, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Inverse fire modeling for heat release rate characterization” SFPE Engineering Technology Conference, Portland, OR, Oct. 2011.

  36. Anderson C. Mossi, Vinayak V. Barve, Marcelo M. Galarça, Horácio A. Vielmo, Francis H. R. França, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Spectral Gas Absorption Coefficient Model Effects on Radiative Source Term in a 2d Axisymmetric Diffusion Flame” Proceedings of the International Heat Transfer Conference (IHCT14) August 8-13, 2010

  37. Philip Kokel, Craig Weinschenk, O. A. Ezekoye, “Evaluation of Directional Flame Thermometer for Real-Time Inversion of Heat Flux”, Proceedings of the International Heat Transfer Conference (IHCT14) August 8-13, 2010

  38. Rochan Upadhyay_, Paul T. Bauman, Roy Stogner, Karl W. Schulz, Ofodike Ezekoye, “Steady-State Ablation Model Coupling with Hypersonic Flow”, AIAA 2010-1176, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 4 - 7 January 2010, Orlando, Florida 2010

  39. Jason C. Lee, Joseph H. Koo, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, Christopher K. Lam, “Heating Rate and Nanoparticle Loading Effects on Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer Nanocomposite Kinetics”, 41st AIAA Thermophysics Conference 22 - 25 June 2009, San Antonio, Texas

  40. M. M. Galarça, A. C. Mossi, H. A. Vielmo, F. H. R. França, O. A. Ezekoye, "Application of the cumulative wavenumber model for a non-isothermal homogeneous medium filled with CO2 or H2O", Proceedings of 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, COBEM 2009, Gramado, 2009. 

  41. Hakan Erturk, Ofodike A Ezekoye and John R Howell, "Reverse Monte Carlo Modeling of Signal Transport in Light-Pipe Radiation Thermometers," ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Jacksonville, FL, August 2008

  42. Colin M. Beal and Ofodike A Ezekoye, "Effects of Exit Vent Location on Fire Room Conditions during PPV," ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Jacksonville, FL, August 2008

  43. Upadhyay, R. R. and Ezekoye, O. A. "Performance Based Engineering with a Bivariate PDF of Fire Size and Vent Opening", 5th International Seminar of Fire and Explosion Hazards, Edinburgh, Scotland, April 2007

  44. Barve, V.V., Ezekoye, O.A., and Clemens, N.T., "Effects of Flame Lift-Off Height on Soot Processes in strongly forced methane-air laminar diffusion flames" ASME-JSME Joint Thermal Conference, Vancouver, 2007

  45. Seers, P., Ashford, M.A., Ezekoye, O.A., and Matthews, R.D. "Influence of Spark Parameters on Combustion Stability in a Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine", Proceedings of JRCICE2007, 2007 ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference & Internal Combustion Engine Spring Technical Conference, March 13-16, 2007, Pueblo, Colorado, USA

  46. Biegalski, S. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Design of Aerosol Sampler to Remove Radon and Thoron Progeny Interference from Aerosol Samples for Nuclear Explosion Monitoring", Proceedings of the 2005 Seismic Research Review, pp761-769, 2005

  47. Gamba, M., Clemens, N.T., Ezekoye, O.A., and Boxx, I.G., "Experimental Study of Acoustically-Forced Jet Flames under Low- and Normal- Gravity Conditions", 44th AIAA Meeting, Reno, NV 2006.

  48. Qu, Y., Ezekoye, O.A., Howell, J.R., and Ball, K.S., "Drawdown Effect of Lightpipes in Silicon Wafer Surface Temperature Measurements", ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, July 2005

  49. Myung Jun Lee, M. J. Hall, O.A. Ezekoye, and R. D. Matthews, "Voltage, and Energy Deposition Characteristics of Spark Ignition Systems" SAE, 2004

  50. S. Hari, M. J. Hall, O.A. Ezekoye, and R. D. Matthews, "Analysis of Factors that Affect the Performance of Railplugs", SAE, 2004

  51. H. Gao, O. A. Ezekoye, M. J. Hall, and R. D. Matthews, "A New Ignitior for Large-Bore Natural Gas Engines - Railplug Design Improvement and Optimization", SAE, 2004

  52. O. Ekici, V.K. Bokka, O.A. Ezekoye, and R.D. Matthews, "A Numerical Study of Spark Ignition", Proceedings of ASME ICEF04, ICEF2004-884, Long Beach, CA, October 24-27, 2004

  53. Ezekoye, Ofodike, A., Schmidt, Kathy J., Cone, Justin, and Patil, Tushar, "Beyond Solution Fixation: A Short Course on Engineering and Business Concepts", ASEE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, ASEE 2003

  54. Bisetti ,F., Clemens, N.T., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Flame Length and Exit Plane Mixing in Resonantly Excited Jet Diffusion Flames", 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, TED-AJ03-408, 2003

  55. Ezekoye, O.A., Lan, C.H., and Nicks, R., "Positive Pressure Ventilation Attack for Heat Transport in a House Fire", 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, TED-AJ03-409, 2003

  56. O.A. Ezekoye, T.S. Patil, S. Nichols, J.S. Butler, J. Nolen, and J. Doggett, "Development of Business Skills in Engineering Students through Collaborative Engineering-Business School Activities", American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, ASEE, 2002

  57. Lan, C-H, Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., "Linear Stability Analysis for Three Dimensional Rayleigh-Bérnard Convection with Radiatively Participating Medium", Heat Transfer 2002: Proc. Of the 12th International Heat Transfer Conference, pp. 435-440, Grenoble, France, 2002

  58. Erturk, H., Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., "The Use of Inverse Formulation in Design and Control of Transient Radiant Systems", Heat Transfer 2002: Proc of the 12th International Heat Transfer Conference, Grenoble, pp. 729-734, France, 2002

  59. Ezekoye, O.A., Lan, C.H., and Anderson, O. "The Role of Strong Vent Flows in Fire Hazard Predictions Using FDS" 8th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, 2002

  60. Erturk, H., Gamba, M.., Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., "Design of a Rapid Thermal Processing Chamber Using an Inverse Formulation", American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, v 372, n 3, 2002, p 237-246

  61. Erturk, H., Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., "Inverse Transient Boundary Condition Estimation Problem in a Radiating Enclosure", ASME 35th National Heat Transfer Conference, NHTC2001-20227, Anaheim, CA 2001

  62. Erturk, H., Ezekoye, O.A., and Howell, J.R., "Inverse Solution of Radiative Heat Transfer in Two Dimensional Irregularly Shaped Enclosures", HTD-Vol. 366-1, ASME 2000.

  63. F. H. R. Franca, O.A. Ezekoye and J.R. Howell, "Inverse Boundary Design Combining Radiation and Convection Heat Transfer", ASME 34th National Heat Transfer Conference, NHTC2000-12061, Pittsburgh, PA 2000

  64. H. Gao and O.A. Ezekoye, "Heat Release Analysis of Diesel Simulation Processes", ASME 34th National Heat Transfer Conference, NHTC2000-12228, Pittsburgh, PA 2000

  65. CH Lan, O.A. Ezekoye and J.R. Howell, "Radiative Combined-Mode Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Participating Medium Using the Spectral Methods", ASME 34th National Heat Transfer Conference, NHTC2000-12124, Pittsburgh, PA 2000

  66. Baker, D.K, Ezekoye, O.A. Schmidt, P.S. ,Jones, C.M., and Liu, M., "ThermoNet: A Web-Based Learning Resource for Engineering Thermodynamics", Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, June (2000).

  67. CH Lan, O.A. Ezekoye and J.R. Howell, "Transitions and Bifurcations to Chaos in Combined Radiation and Natural Convection in a Two Dimensional Participating Medium", ASME IMECE, HTD-Vol. 364-1, Nashville, TN 1999

  68. F. H. R. Franca, O.A. Ezekoye and J.R. Howell, "Inverse Heat Source Design Combining Radiation and Conduction Heat Transfer", ASME IMECE, HTD-Vol.364-1, Nashville, TN 1999

  69. F. H. R. Franca, O.A. Ezekoye and J.R. Howell, "Inverse Determination of Heat Source Distribution in Radiative Systems with Participating Media", ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, NHTC99-93, Albuquerque, NM 1999

  70. J. Borlik, O.A. Ezekoye and J.L. Torero, "Strain and Heat Loss Modification to a Counterflow Diffusion Flame," AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics Conference, Albuquerque, NM 1998

  71. O.A. Ezekoye, Z. Zhang and K.J. Vidacovich, "Global and Local Analysis of Sealed Outdoor Electronics Cabinets," AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics Conference, Albuquerque, NM 1998

  72. Stanglmaier, R.H., Roberts, C.E., Ezekoye, O.A., and Matthews, R.D., "Condensation of Fuel on Combustion Chamber Surfaces as a Mechanism for Increased HC Emissions from SI Engines During Cold Start," SAE Fuels and Lubric. Meeting, 1997

  73. Ezekoye, O.A., "Vapor Condensation Processes Associated with Premixed Flame Quenching," ASME IMECE, Dallas, Texas, 1997

  74. Leach, S.V., Ellzey, J.L., and Ezekoye, O.A., "A Numerical Study of Smoldering Combustion," ASME NHTC, Baltimore, Maryland, 1997

  75. Lowman, C.D., Schmidt, P.S., Ezekoye, O.A, Fahey, M.T., and Hulme-Lowe, A.G. "A Simple Phenomenological Model of Polyethylene Weld Strength," ASME NHTC, Baltimore, Maryland, 1997

  76. Hackert, C.L., Ellzey, J.L., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Numerical Simulation of a Porous Honeycomb Burner" ASME NHTC, Baltimore, Maryland, 1997

  77. Bokka, V.K., Matthews, R.D., Ezekoye, O.A., and Davis, G.C., "Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition and Flame Propagation," HTD bound vol. 335 ASME IMECE, Atlanta Georgia, November 1996

  78. Hackert, C.L., Ellzey, J.L., and Ezekoye, O.A., "Modification of Premixed Flame Shapes by Thermal Boundary Conditions," HTD bound vol. 335 ASME IMECE, Atlanta Georgia, November 1996

  79. Zhang, Z. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Radiation Simulation of a Microgravity Diffusion Flame," HTD bound vol. 335 ASME IMECE, Atlanta Georgia, November 1996

  80. Fuss, S.P., Ezekoye, O.A., and Hall, M.J., "The Absorptance of Infrared Radiation by Methane at Elevated Temperatures," ASME IMECE November 1995.

  81. Zhang, Z. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Computational Study of State Relationships for Acetylene-Air Diffusion Flames with Soot Radiation", HTD bound vol. 304 ASME NHTC, Portland, Oregon, August 1995.

  82. Zhang, Z. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Combustion of a Spherical Diffusion Flame in a Radiative Field", HTD bound vol. 296 ASME WAM, Chicago, Illinois, December 1994.

  83. Ezekoye, O.A. and Greif, R., "A Comparison of One and Two Dimensional Flame Quenching: Heat Transfer Results," ASME HTD Vol. 250, p.11, 1993

  84. Lu, J.H., Ezekoye, O.A., Iiyama, A., Greif, R., and Sawyer, R.,"Effect of Knock on Time Resolved Engine Heat Transfer", Society of Automotive Engineers Paper 890158, 1989​​


Conference Papers and Proceedings
Other Major Publications and Presentations
  1. Mustafa Z. Abbasi, Preston S. Wilson, and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, "Ray tracing and finite element modeling of sound propagation in a compartment fire", 2021, arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11516.

  2. Mustafa Z. Abbasi, Preston S. Wilson, and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, "Head-related transfer function measurements in a compartment fire", 2021 arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11465.

  3. McGee, Tyler, Erik Archibald, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, and Michael R. Haberman. "Ultrasonic inspection of lithium-ion batteries to determine state of charge, state of health, and battery safety." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146, no. 4 (2019): 2816-2817.

  4. UTFRG, UL, ESSPI, FPRF, Firefighter Safety in Battery Energy Storage System Fires, DHS Final Report AFG Fire Prevention & Safety Grants program under Grant Number EMW-2016-FP-00833

  5. Trettel, B. and Ezekoye, O., 2017. Turbulence intensity's effect on liquid jet breakup from long circular pipes. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.

  6. Marr KC. "Computer Modeling and Simulations of Battery Hazards and Fires". IAAI Hawaii Chapter Annual Training Seminar. Honolulu, HI. August 10-12, 2016.

  7. Spray R, White K, Horn Q, Somandepalli V, Marr K. "Understanding and mitigating the downstream risk from thermal run-away". 2015 NASA Aerospace Battery Workshop, Huntsville, AL, November 17–19, 2015.

  8. Marr KC, Myers TJ. "Fire and explosion hazards of batteries". Energy Storage Association Annual Conference and Expo. Dallas, TX, May 27–29, 2015.

  9. Somandepalli V, Marr K, Horn Q. "Catastrophic failures in lithium-ion battery packs used in EV and hybrid vehicles". Society of Automotive Engineers, 2013 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 16–18, 2013.

  10. Austin D. Anderson, Karyl A. Kinsey*, and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “A Methodology for Predicting Residential Fire Incidence, Type, and Severity Using Geocoded NFIRS Fires”, Society of Fire Protection Engineers National Meeting, Austin, TX 2013

  11. Kristopher J. Overholt and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “A Parameter Uncertainty Framework for Fire Scenarios Using a Bayesian Inference Approach”, Society of Fire Protection Engineers National Meeting, Austin, TX 2013.

  12. Andrew J. Kurzawski, Kristopher J. Overholt, Jan-Michael Cabrera and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Fire Spread and Heat Fluxes for Burning Little Bluestem Grass”, Society of Fire Protection Engineers National Meeting, Austin, TX 2013 

  13. Jan-Michael Cabrera and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Fire Suppression Systems in Gloveboxes”, Society of Fire Protection Engineers National Meeting, Austin, TX 2013 

  14. C. Weinschenk, R. Upadhyay, and O.A. Ezekoye,“ Comparison of a partially stirred reactor model to a perfectly stirred reactor model for large vent flow fire” U.S. Joint National Combustion Meeting, Atlanta, GA March 2011. 

  15. Bruns, M.C., and Ezekoye, O.A, “Sectional approximations in thermoplastic kinetics”, U.S. Joint National Combustion Meeting, Atlanta, GA March 2011. 

  16. Kristopher J. Overholt, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, “Inverse fire modeling for heat release rate characterization” U.S. Joint National Combustion Meeting, Atlanta, GA March 2011. 

  17. Kalen Braman, Venkat Raman, Rochan Upadhyay, and Ofodike Ezekoye, “DNS of high speed boundary layers over ablating surfaces” American Physical Society Abstract BAPS.2010.DFD.MR.1, Long Beach, CA, November 23, 2010 

  18. Hubbard, J. A., Haglund, J. S., Tucker, D., and Ezekoye, O. A. (2009). Experimental Study of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Family of Wetted-Wall Bioaerosol Sampling Cyclones. Presentation at the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Scientific Conference on Obscuration and Aerosol Research. Battelle Eastern Science & Technology Center, Aberdeen, MD. June 23, 2009. 

  19. Marr, K., Clemens, N.T., Ezekoye, O.A., "Mixing Characteristics and Emissions of Acoustically-Forced Non-Premixed Jet Flames in Crossflow", 6th US Combustion Meeting of The U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 2009 

  20. Gamba, M. Clemens N. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Simultaneous 3D Volumetric PIV and 2D OH PLIF in the Far-Field of a Nonpremixed Turbulent Jet Flame", 6th US Combustion Meeting of The U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 2009 

  21. Morgan C. Bruns, Joseph H. Koo, and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, "Thermal Degradation of a Spatially Lumped Population of Thermoplastic Chains" 6th US Combustion Meeting of The U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 2009 

  22. J.H. Koo, D.W. K. Ho, O. A. Ezekoye,, "Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer Nanocomposites: Morphology, Thermophysical and Flammability Properties," SAMPE 08, Long Beach CA, May 2008 

  23. D. Ho, J. Koo, J. Lee, and O. Ezekoye, "Thermophysical Properties Characterization of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer Nanocomposites," 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Hartford, CT, July 2008 

  24. Morgan C. Bruns, Joseph H. Koo, and Ofodike A. Ezekoye, "Examination of Polymer Degradation and Transport using Population Balance Techniques," Central States Section Combustion Institute, Tuscaloossa AL, April 2008 

  25. Scot Waye, Steven Biegalski, Ofodike Ezekoye, "Development of an Aerosol Cascade Impactor Interactive Design Tool," American Association Of Aerosol Research, Reno, NV, September 2007 

  26. Josh Hubbard, John Haglund, Ofodike Ezekoye, "Control-Volume Numerical Simulation of Bioaerosol Dispersion in the Atmospheric Surface Layer," American Association Of Aerosol Research, Reno, NV, September 2007 

  27. Ezekoye, O.A., Svensson, S., and Nicks, R., "Investigating Positive Pressure Ventilation", Interflam 2007, London, England, UK, September 2007 

  28. Nguyen, K., Koo, J., Ho, W., Bruns, M.,. and Ezekoye, O. "Experimental Characterization of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposite under Extreme Conditions". AIAA-2007-5770 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-11, 2007 

  29. Bruns, M., Ezekoye, O. and Koo, J. "Determining Failure Time for Weak-Char Ablatives" AIAA-2007-5772 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-11, 2007.

  30. Koo, J. , Ho, W., Bruns M., and Ezekoye O., "A Review of Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Thermal Protection Materials: Part III - Material Testing", AIAA-2007-5773 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-11, 2007 

  31. Koo, J. , Ho, W., Bruns M., and Ezekoye O., "A Review of Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Thermal Protection Materials Part II: Properties Characterization", AIAA-2007-2131 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Apr. 23-26, 2007 

  32. Marr, K., Gamba, M., Clemens, N.T., Ezekoye, O.A., "Strongly-Forced Non-Premixed Jet Flames in Cross-Flow" 5th US Combustion Meeting of The U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 2007 

  33. Gamba, M. Clemens N. and Ezekoye, O., "Strongly-Pulsed Turbulent Non-Premixed Jet Flames in Cross-Flow", 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 8-11, 2007 

  34. Koo, J.H. , Ho, D.W.H., , and Ezekoye, O.A., "A Review of Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Thermal Protection Materials - Part I. Numerical Modeling", AIAA-2006-4936, 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, 9-11 July 2006. 

  35. Barve, V.V., Ezekoye, O.A., Clemens, N.T. and Katta, V.R., "Soot Production Rates in Strongly Forced Methane- Air Laminar Diffusion Flames" AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics And Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2006 

  36. Y. Qu, E. Puttitwong, J. Howell, and O. Ezekoye, "Shadow Effect of Lightpipes in Silicon Wafer Surface Temperature Measurements ," 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics And Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2006. 

  37. E. Puttitwong, Y. Qu, J. Howell, and O. Ezekoye, "Effects of Thermal Environment and Surface Roughness on LPRT Surface Temperature Measurements ," 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics And Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2006. 

  38. Mike Adler, O.A. (D. K.) Ezekoye and Timothy Klatt, "Arson of the Ancestors? Interdisciplinary Research into Ancient Structure Fires in the American Southwest," Southwest Symposium: Acts Of History: Ritual, Landscape, and Historical Archaeology In The U.S. Southwest And Northwest Mexico, Las Cruces New Mexico, January 2006. 

  39. R. R. Upadhyay and O. A. Ezekoye, "Simulation of Turbulent Mixing and Chemical Reaction in a Partially Stirred Reactor Using the Direct Quadrature Method of Moments" AICHE Annual Meeting (Cincinnati, OH) 2005 

  40. R. R. Upadhyay and O. A. Ezekoye, "Transported PDF Simulations using Direct Quadrature Method of Moments", 4th Joint Meeting of The U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 2005 

  41. Ozgur Ekici, Ofodike A. Ezekoye, Matthew J. Hall, and Ronald D. Matthews, "Numerical Simulation of a Railplug Ignitor", 4th Joint Meeting of The U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 2005 

  42. K. Lakshminarasimhan, N.T. Clemens, O.A. Ezekoye "Flame Characteristics of a Resonantly Excited Transitional Methane Jet Diffusion Flame", 4th Joint Meeting of The U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 2005 

  43. O. A. Ezekoye and R. R. Upadhyay, "Design Fire Evaluation using Quadrature Based Moment Methods", 4th Joint Meeting of The U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 2005 

  44. R. R. Upadhyay and O. A. Ezekoye, "Study of Smoke Buildup and Light Scattering in a Model Photoelectric Smoke Detector", Central States Section Combustion Institute Meeting, Austin, TX 2004 

  45. V. V. Barve and O. A. Ezekoye, "Computations of Time-Varying Flame Properties for Laminar, Methane-Air Diffusion Flames" Central States Section Combustion Institute Meeting, Austin, TX 2004 

  46. F. Bisetti, K. Lakshminarasimhan, J. Whitaker, N.T. Clemens, and O. A. Ezekoye, "Diffusion Flame Properties in Transitional Pulsed Jet Flows" Central States Section Combustion Institute Meeting, Austin, TX 2004 

  47. O. Ekici, O. A. Ezekoye and R. D. Matthews, "Arc Evolution Modeling for a Railplug Igniter" Central States Section Combustion Institute Meeting, Austin, TX 2004 

  48. Bisetti, F., Martin, K.M. and Ezekoye, O. A. "Extended Flame Stability for Partially Premixed Acetylene-Air Flames by Acoustic Control" Central States Section Combustion Institute Meeting, Knoxville, TN 2002 

  49. G. Paganoni, J.L. Ellzey and O.A. Ezekoye, "Simulations of Buoyancy Induced Instabilities in a Counterflow Diffusion Flame," Joint Section Meeting of US Combustion Institute, Oakland CA, March 2001 

  50. C.F. Palacios, K.M. Martin and O.A. Ezekoye, "Correlation of Aerodynamic and Geometric Particle Size Properties of Soot Generated by an Acetylene Diffusion Flame," Joint Section Meeting of US Combustion Institute, Oakland CA, March 2001 

  51. H. Gao and O.A. Ezekoye, "Global Soot Production in Transient Spray Flames", Spring Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, March 2000. 

  52. K.M. Martin and O.A. Ezekoye, "Changes in Emissions of Soot and Gaseous Pollutants from an Acoustically Forced Acetylene-Air Diffusion Flame", Spring Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, March 2000. 

  53. N.A. Hall, N.A. Tanner, V.H. Mehta, K.M. Martin, and O.A. Ezekoye, "Acoustic Modifications to the Single-Droplet Combustion Process", Spring Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, March 2000. 

  54. G. Paganoni and O.A. Ezekoye, "Numerical Analysis of Counterflow Flame Instabilities", Spring Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, March 2000. 

  55. C.F. Palacios, K.M. Martin and O.A. Ezekoye, "Development of an Apparatus for Analysis of a Diffusion Flame with Pulsed Fuel Supply", Spring Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, March 2000. 

  56. Sutula, J.A., Mehta, S.N., Ezekoye, O.A. and Torero, J.L., "Buoyancy effects on a Low Strain Counter-Flow Diffusion Flame," Joint Meeting of the United States Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 1999. 

  57. O.A. Ezekoye and Y. Wibowo "Computation of Sedimentation Rates for Acoustically Enhanced Agglomeration," AICHE CCPS Annual International Conference and Workshop on Modeling Consequences of Accidental Releases of Hazardous Materials, San Francisco, CA Sept. 1999 

  58. O.A. Ezekoye and K.M. Martin, "Case Study of an Explosion and Fire during Fueling of a Steel Can", 15th Triennial Meeting of International Association of Forensic Sciences, Los Angeles CA, August 1999 

  59. K.M. Martin and O.A. Ezekoye, "Acoustic Control of Sooting Flames", Fifth International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1999 

  60. J. Sutula, J. Jones, J.L. Torero, J. Borlik, and O.A. Ezekoye, "Diffusion Flame Extinction in a Low Strain Flow," Fourth International Microgravity Combustion Workshop, Cleveland OH, May 1997 

  61. K.M. Martin and O.A. Ezekoye, "Acoustic Methods for Enhanced Filtration of Combustion Aerosols," Sixteenth International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies, May 1997 

  62. J. Borlik, O.A. Ezekoye, and J.L. Torero, "Flame Extinction in a Strained Vortical Flow," Central States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, April 1997 

  63. Z. Zhang and O.A Ezekoye, "Thermal and Chemical Characterization of a Confined Methane-Air Coflow Flame," Central States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, April 1997 

  64. Ezekoye, O. and Manoucheri, M., " Polystyrene Soot Agglomeration Enhancement in an Ultrasonic Acoustic Field," The Fourth International Congress on Toxic Combustion Byproducts, Berkeley, California, June 1995 

  65. Fuss, S.P., Ezekoye, O.A., and Hall, M.J., "Effect of Temperature on the Infrared Radiation Properties of Methane," Joint Central and Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, April 1995. 

  66. Ezekoye, O.A., "Pressure Transient Augmentation of Heat Transfer During Laminar Flame Quenching," Joint Central and Western States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, April 1995. 

  67. Zhang, Z. and Ezekoye, O.A., "Acetylene-Air Diffusion Flame Computations: Comparison of State Relationships with Finite Rate Kinetics," Proceedings of International Conference on Fire Research and Engineering, Orlando, Florida, September 1995 

  68. Ezekoye, O. A. and Baum, H.R., "A Lagrangian Element Analysis of Combustion Processes in Fires", Central & Eastern States Sections of the Combustion Institute joint meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1993.Connelly, Ogasawara, Lee, Greif, Sawyer, and Ezekoye, "Stagnation Quenching of Laminar, Methane-Air Flames in a Constant Volume Chamber: Wall Temperature Effects", Western States Section Meeting/The Combustion Institute, Stanford, California, 1994 

  69. Baum, H.R., Ezekoye, O.A., McGrattan, K.B., and Rehm, R.G., "Large Eddy Simulation of Fire Phenomena", Ninth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Kyoto, Japan, August 1993 

  70. Ezekoye, O. A., "A Thermal Element Method for Combustion Processes in Fires" presented at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Annual Conference on Fire Research, Rockville, Maryland, 1992 

  71. Ezekoye, Lu, Fabris, Greif, and Sawyer, "Effect of Variable Wall Temperature on Wall Heat Flux during Laminar Flame Quenching", Western States Section Meeting/The Combustion Institute, La Jolla, California, 1990 

  72. Lesser, M. B. & Ezekoye, O. A. "Acoustic methods for liquid impact and cavitation", Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Erosion by Liquid and Solid Impact (eds Field, J. E. & Dear, J. P.) (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK, 1987).


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